
Youth Life Skills: Money Monday: Taxes

You've got a job--congratulations! But that means now you have to pay taxes. Or does it? How are you even supposed to do taxes? Take this workshop and get all the info you need.

Youth Life Skills: Money Monday

We're talking about debt management on this "Money Monday." Get out of debt, and stay there! Learn how to manage your budget so you can make your money last between paychecks.

Youth Life Skills: Youth Employment in the Parks

GET OUT!...Outside, that is. This summer, you can work outdoors as part of Youth Employment in the Parks. Learn more about this amazing summer internship opportunity in our workshop.

Youth Life Skills: Workforce Wednesday

In this Workforce Wednesday session, we'll talk Elevator Pitches! Quick, you've got 30 seconds to sell yourself for the job of your dreams: What do you say? We'll help you put your pitch together and gain the confidence to go after the job you want.

Youth Life Skills: Food Handlers Certification

Individuals looking for work in food handling and the food industry can earn a food handlers certification. Please contact the Youth Employment Program directly to schedule this certification. This opportunity is open to 477-eligible youth, ages 14 - 24.

Youth Life Skills: CITC/ANJC Open House

CITC and the Alaska Native Justice Center offer a wide array of opportunities, classes, workshops, camps, and more for young people! Come find out about all our programs and opportunities at this open house.