The Knik Tribal Council in Wasilla, with funding in part from CITC, organizes an annual summer “Culture Camp,” also known as “Shan Qayeh.” The camp teaches children about the history and culture of the Dena’ina people.
At this week-long camp, children learn about fish, practicing net fishing and how to handle, identify, and preserve fish in traditional and modern ways. The experience also includes a host of other cultural and educational activities, including:
Additionally, children are instructed by archeological experts to recognize geological formations used by their ancestors, the Dena’ina people. They also learn artifact protocols used by archeologists on digs. Finally, staff from the nearby Benteh Nutaah Clinic spend time with the children. Staff have discussions about their social and emotional health.
This session is for children entering grades 1 – 6.
To apply, complete and turn in the camp application.