CITC is currently experiencing an extended network outage that is impacting phones and email. We remain fully open for services. If you wish to contact us, or need immediate services, please call our Navigation team at 907-793-3600 or visit us in-person at 3600 San Jeronimo Drive.

CITC’s 2021 Community Impact Report

In 2021, CITC invited individuals and families to “Come As You Are”

Click on the image above to review CITC’s 2021 Community Impact Report

Charity Jasper came to CITC with a dream of owning her own business. Elizabeth Gilbert came looking for a way to reunite her family. In 2021, more than 1,100 families came burdened by financial hardships from weathering a years-long pandemic.

Whatever your circumstance, you can bring it to CITC. We invite you to “Come As You Are”—a sentiment that means when you come to CITC, you’ll find a judgement-free zone, with people who will listen and who can help.

Throughout 2021, CITC made an impact that resonated throughout our community. As a designated distributor of CIRI’s portion of CARES Act funding aimed at supporting those who were negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, CITC implemented approximately 40 separate CARES Act-funded projects in 2021.

Despite the ongoing effects of the pandemic, CITC also continued to conduct business as usual, delivering programs and services that address everything from child care, to career development, to support for recovery from substance misuse, to more than 13,000 people.

Our programs and services are aimed at empowering our people to reach their full potential, regardless of their background, history, or life circumstances. In 2021, we did this through:

  • Helping 117 individuals find employment
  • Reunifying families with an 81 percent success rate
  • Providing 10,665 hours of tutoring in our after-school programs
  • Uniting people on their recovery journey through 2,206 separate Peer Support events

We’re pleased to share the 2021 Community Impact Report, which reflects the successes CITC achieved last year in partnership with our people and our trusted partners.