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Partner Spotlight: Bean’s Cafe

Supported Work experience program is a win-win situation for employers and job-seekers

“As an employer, it’s a huge advantage,” said Cassie Lingle of CITC’s Supported Work Experience program.

Since working with the program—which pays the salaries of job-seekers while they gain experience with local employers—Cassie, the manager of human resources for Bean’s Café, has permanently hired five program participants. Four other individuals are currently working at Bean’s Café while the Supported Work Experience pays for their positions, as well.

“It takes a lot of time, effort, and money to onboard somebody, and if they don’t work out, then it costs the organization quite a bit, financially,” Cassie pointed out.

“When you have somebody [temporarily] for six months who knows the job, who understands what it takes to fulfill the role, it’s just natural to be able to hire them permanently. It saves time, saves training, and saves us financially.”

Employers that work with CITC’s Supported Work Experience program are reimbursed by CITC for 80 hours of salary, plus employer-paid taxes, per pay period. It is, essentially, “free labor for six months,” Cassie described. Employers may also chose to have Supported Work Experience participants on their payroll as temporary employees.

“The reason why we have continued this partnership with CITC is it’s a win-win situation,” Cassie said.

“We have found so many employees through this program who just needed a second chance, and Beans Cafe is all about second chances. And so just to be able to help somebody with a barrier and then be able to hire them on permanently, why would we not want to be a partner with CITC?”

Find your next new hire through CITC’s Supported Work Experience program: Look for “Employment Supportive Services” on our Employment & Training Services page. You can also reach out to the program directly at or (907) 793-3300.