
Explore tips on finding a job, polishing your resume, interviewing, and more in our youth job club.

Join us for cranberry picking at Arctic Valley, followed by Akutaq making at the Nat’uh building. About this event Bring your berry bucket and get ready to pick cranberries! This event will be from 8am-5pm, with transportation included to Arctic Valley. We will send out...

Join us for salmon fishing! About this event This activity will be from 8am-5pm, and will include transportation to Ship Creek, where we will teach youth how to fish for salmon, as well as traditional knowledge and stories about salmon. We will send out more...

This cultural activity includes learning about traditional knowledge, blueberry picking at Arctic Valley, followed by jam making. About this event Bring your berry bucket and get ready to pick blueberries! This event will be from 8am-5pm, with transportation included to Arctic Valley. We will send...

Join us for a Guided Tour at the Alaska Native Heritage Center, followed by salve-making. About this event During this activity, children and families will have the chance to learn traditional knowledge on gathering plants, cultural knowledge, and plant uses. There will also be a...

safeTALK (Safe Tell, Ask, Listen, Keepsafe) – is a 3.5 hour in-person training that offers excellent skill building in suicide conversation basics. For your convenience, we have a flyer that makes registration easy for these training in May. Please see attached. For more information about...

ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) is a 2-day in person training (16-hours) that provides extensive information on suicide intervention. See below for the dates and registration links. Please consider sharing with your staff and contacts. For more information about ASIST please visit Livingworks at...

This event invites participants enrolled with Employment & Training Services and/or Child & Family Services at CITC to join in for a potluck-style picnic. If you intend to come, please be sure to register so we can ensure enough food for everyone.