04 Feb CITC’s First Fredeen Fellow Wants to Build Networks for Creative Thinkers
The first Amy Fredeen Fellowship, named for CITC's former CFO, goes to a UAA MBA student who wants to explore entrepreneurship from an Alaska Native point of view...
The first Amy Fredeen Fellowship, named for CITC's former CFO, goes to a UAA MBA student who wants to explore entrepreneurship from an Alaska Native point of view...
Looking for something fun for the whole family? Check out Family Nights at the Denełchin Lab, where you can also connect with other CITC opportunities...
When Maria Legend glanced into a classroom at CITC and saw a group skin-sewing and grass-weaving, it reminded her of sitting with her grandparents as a little girl, learning how to bead. At 50, now she's imparting her knowledge as a CITC Elder....
CITC's Dec. 6 Craft Bazaar celebrates Indigenous creators--and provides entrepreneurship opportunities...
CITC Intern Cadence Crow reports on what it's like to spend a summer with CITC's Communications team...
At the Alaska Native Justice Center, Summer Intern Shelby Wholecheese has gotten to explore a multitude of possibilities...
Kendra Klotz had never worked in an office before, so her summer with CITC's new internship program has been a crash course in daily office life. Meet the interns who were part of our first Summer Internship at CITC...
In this summer’s Indigenous Water Technologies camp, high schoolers research the past and build upon it with modern tools...
Families learned to prepare their new dip nets for fishing as part of CITC's cultural outreach programming...
CITC's annual Tribal Youth Leadership Summit connected young future leaders with some of the architects of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act...